What are the Benefits of Residential Plumbing Services

Every now and again, our home plumbing system decides that it’s time to give us a bad day. Sometimes it’s because we may have forgotten to stay up to date with our maintenance routines, and other times, the world is just not in a good mood.

Expertise: The Title of Master Plumber

The “primary” benefit of contracting residential plumbing services is having access to a licensed plumber. Since they’re licensed, you know that you’re getting someone who knows how to do things properly, won’t cut corners, or make any shady moves to get approvals.

To put it into perspective, the MINIMUM requirements to start the journey to become a master plumber is a high school diploma. After that comes the choice of going into trade school or straight into an apprenticeship. In trade school, budding plumbers take classes about building regulations, plumbing math, water design, and all the other stuff that plumbers should have in their brains. This is going to take around 2 years.

Apprenticeship is the practical to trade school’s theoretical. This is a lot like when you’re driving around, and your mom or dad is in the passenger seat debating on whether letting you take the wheel was a good idea (until you prove them wrong!). An apprenticeship is basically on-the-job training where you get paid to apply what you know about plumbing while under the guidance and supervision of a journeyman or master plumber. An apprenticeship is going to take another 2 to 5 years. Every now and then you’ll also have some classroom instruction thrown in.

After your apprenticeship, you can apply to become a journeyman plumber. You’re now out there doing your own thing (most of the time), plumbing it up, if you will. You can be working for a company that can provide job security and, if you wish, you can stay on this level, something that most plumbers actually do. For others, though, there remains one rank that even Anakin Skywalker looked forward to: Master.

Master Plumbers are the cream of the crop. They pretty much run their own businesses and are involved in bigger projects that go up to the city or state level. It takes a lot of time, studying, and an exam or two for a journeyman plumber to be a master plumber. Contrary to popular belief, master plumbers DO NOT go around saving kidnapped princesses from giant fire-breathing turtle monsters… or at least not yet.


Residential plumbing companies live and die based on customer happiness. This goes beyond just repairing existing problems. It also means being there for the time when some fixes don't stay fixed. No matter the industry, repairing one problem sometimes reveals another underlying problem, and that's okay (most of the time). If you're working with a proper residential plumbing service provider, you can be sure that the repairs will be covered by their warranty policy, and you'll still get professional help when you need it.

On average you’ll have a one-year warranty for repairs. Much like insurance, it’s something that we love having, but hope we never have to use. We enjoy the peace of mind that warranties provide. There’s nothing more terrifying than your toilet not cooperating after you blitzed through a Mexican-Asian buffet, and now your digestive system has decided that it’s time to turn your bathroom into something that would turn the Geneva Convention into the Geneva Suggestion.


We’ve all tried to do our own little repairs to save money whenever our plumbing decides that it’s time to give us a bad day. A little alligator tape here, some gorilla glue there, and voila! Leak fixed. This little ego boost (and your happy bank account) might lead you to think that you’d never need a plumber.

So you’re basically your home’s personal plumber, you have a few extra bucks to get your kids some Roblox cash, maybe give the car a pretty sweet paint job to look like Michael Bay’s Optimus Prime. While you may have made some short-term savings, it’s most likely that a new leak appears somewhere, the drain’s suddenly backing up, and you’re constantly buying alligator tape and gorilla glue. You will end up spending more in the long run because of the short-term fixes you’re doing as compared to just getting a professional plumber to fix the problems permanently.

When that happens, the house stinks, it’s wet everywhere, and your things are probably water-damaged. You call the plumbers, and it’s way more expensive now because you MacGuyver-ed everything, and the house is slowly turning into Atlantis. Not only will there be more work involved, but you’re going to have to wait a bit longer for everything to be repaired, and you'll probably need to replace your things that were water-damaged.


Taking care of your plumbing the proper way is the best way to make sure that you don’t turn your house into a smelly water park. Sure it’s more expensive at the start, but with the expertise of licensed plumbers and legitimate residential plumbing service providers like us at Integrity Services and Plumbing, you’ll end up with better plumbing, lower long-term expenses, and the peace of mind that you can always count on us to get you out of a watery bind.

Cholo G.