Plumbing Accidents that Made the News

Human innovation has resulted in all sorts of comforts that we continue to enjoy and improve upon to this day. We as a species have taken the word “adaptation” to the extreme; we’ve learned to make nature work for us instead of the other way around. From our nomadic roots of going where the water is when a lake or river dries up, we’ve managed to make the water come to us and make it stay with us. When we needed more rain, we found a way to “plant” rain clouds. We’ve bred bananas with no seeds, we’ve tamed wolves and turned some of them into chihuahuas, and we’ve sent people to the moon. People used to make pilgrimages to practice their faith, but now we’ve made it possible for people to attend church services while at home because of a three year pandemic.

As smart as we are as a species when it comes to plumbing, having been doing it since at least 2500 BC, there are still the occasional problems that pop up with our waterworks. Every now and again a pipe will leak, the toilet might overflow, or the water might not make it out of the faucet. While these issues might be fixed with some home ingenuity, sometimes things go south so bad that it makes it into the news. Here are some disastrous plumbing mishaps that you might have seen on TV or read in the paper.

A Cold Open

On January 10, 2022 a ski resort in North Carolina had a pipe that burst, spraying numerous skiers on the lift and drenching them in the seven-degree weather. With nowhere to go, some skiers jumped from a height of 25 feet in order to reach safety. They ended up landing on top of each other, with two injuries being reported. While it may not seem like that much, two injuries from jumping 25 feet while being sprayed with freezing water is still a big issue. Fortunately the water was shut off, and the resort staff managed to assist the remaining skiers on the lift in order for them to get down safely.

Ungodly Leaks

Churchgoers in the Brooklyn Tabernacle had to keep rescheduling their 2023 services and activities because of an unsavory leak from a restaurant above the Church’s basement. The issue dates as far back as 2019 when the restaurant was ordered by the court to fix their pipes, but based on the parishioners' experiences, the fixes were either shabby or did not take place at all. Per the pastor, the leakage seems to be a mixture of fecal matter, with one leak lasting for 3 weeks. You may think that this is just a problem of stinky air but the implications of possible fecal matter and bacteria fermenting in an enclosed space could lead to more dangerous health complications for the people who might inhale the mold or contaminants that are being released into the air. Fortunately there have been no reports of bursting pipes or flooding in the church’s basement.

Not the Best of Times

Students in Arizona State University  had a hard time moving back into their dorms because of clogs and leaks. Per one student, Best Hall Dormitory’s bathrooms were flooded because the showers wouldn’t drain, and only one out of three toilets was (barely) working and was already flooding and leaking into the ceiling below. Over in the Hayden West dorms, they also encountered leaks and water actually burst out of their walls. Schoolwork is already hard enough, and parents shell out hard-earned money to give their kids the best education possible. College should be a fun time where you learn who you really are, not a time to avoid the bathroom because you might end up dirtier than before you went in.

To make sure that your clients’ businesses don’t end up causing a stink and injuring their customers, talk to us at Integrity Services & Plumbing. Our licensed plumbers are here to prevent you and your clients from showing up on the news for the wrong reasons.

Cholo G.